Founder Of Taylord Coaching: Suzanne Taylor-King AKA The Optimized Boss - S6E15 (#205)
Boss Uncaged
Founder Of Taylord Coaching: Suzanne Taylor-King AKA The Optimized Boss - S6E15 (#205)
September 26, 2023
“If I had stayed in my zone of genius of coaching, meeting people and coaching, I would have been able to afford to have people help me. So I would say to anyone who's starting a business, who thinks they need all these assets, that they need a book, that they need a podcast, they need a website, and they need a blog, and they need to be on every single social media platform, stop.” In Season 6, Episode 15 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with the Founder of Taylord Coaching, Suzanne Taylor-King.
Founder Of Taylord Coaching: Suzanne Taylor-King AKA The Optimized Boss - S6E15 (#205)

If I had stayed in my zone of genius of coaching, meeting people and coaching, I would have been able to afford to have people help me. So I would say to anyone who's starting a business, who thinks they need all these assets, that they need a book, that they need a podcast, they need a website, and they need a blog, and they need to be on every single social media platform, stop.”

In Season 6, Episode 15 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with the Founder of Taylord Coaching, Suzanne Taylor-King.

Since 2009, Suzanne has supported entrepreneurs, practice owners and leaders to grow personally and professionally. With a long entrepreneurial history in retail chain that got franchised and sold, a marketing agency, training company, corporate wellness start, and being a master certified coach (10,000 + hours) with a unique coaching background and a genuine interest in seeing others succeed.  

Drawing upon her background as a competitive athlete, 20 years as a Dental Hygienist and the study of positive psychology, the neuroscience of habits, nutrition and personal wellbeing she takes coaching to the next level for her clients. This combination of NLP, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, High-Performance Habits, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Tools now known as the Taylord Method has been dubbed the ""secret weapon"" for entrepreneurs.

Want more details on how to contact Suzanne? Check out the links below! 

Twitter: @suzanne_coach 
Instagram: @suzannetaylordcoaching

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