Season 6 Finale - Celebrating 400k Downloads - New Year Special - S. A and Alex Grant - S6E34 (#224)
Boss Uncaged
Season 6 Finale - Celebrating 400k Downloads - New Year Special - S. A and Alex Grant - S6E34 (#224)
January 2, 2024
Welcome to the Season 6 Finale of the Boss Uncaged Podcast! In this special episode, S. A. Grant and Alex Grant celebrate an impressive milestone of 400,000 downloads while delving into a wide array of engaging topics. Throughout the episode, they delve into the inner workings of their brand, Boss Uncaged, and the exciting expansion of their media empire. From their eclectic team behind the Uncaged Foodies podcast to their plans for international growth and translating content into multiple languages, there's no shortage of intriguing insights. Brace yourself for an in-depth exploration of their business ventures, travels, selective approach to advertising, and an exciting sneak peek into their upcoming plans for 2024. You won't want to miss this dynamic season finale as S. A. and Alex unpack their journey, challenges, and ambitious plans for the future.
In the Season 6 Finale of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S. A. Grant and Alex Grant celebrate reaching 400,000 downloads while discussing a diverse range of topics. They delve into their plans for the "Uncaged Foodies" show, brand expansion, international travels, technical challenges, and upcoming projects. The hosts provide insights into their business strategies, international ventures, involvement with AI technology, and the expansion of their product line. The episode serves as a lively reflection on their journey, as they gear up for future endeavors.

Show Notes:

- S. A. Grant discusses their upcoming season finale for "Uncaged Foodies," along with plans for expanding the brand, Boston Cage, and syndication of the show's RSS feed.

- The hosts share their international travels to Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Japan, and China, indulging in duty-free shopping and attending an international football match in Rotterdam.

- They discuss technical challenges, including an episode with no sound, and the importance of selecting advertising partners carefully, featuring AppSumo on the show.

- The Grants touch on their involvement with AI-driven platforms, BookBlaster, and releasing a series of 150 books under the "Boston Cage" brand on Amazon.

- S.A. Grant highlights plans for translating content into multiple languages and the significance of systematizing and scaling their business.

- The hosts discuss their upcoming move to Amsterdam and the launch of "," as well as expanding their product line and upcoming projects, including Wizpuff, PodNotes, and a children's book titled "Timmy Turner" incorporating AI technology.

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